Saturday, April 16, 2011

Young New Zealander of the Year

17 year old Jamie Fenton is named Young New Zealander of the Year 2011

Wow! Have you heard of Jamie Fenton? In February this year she was named Young New Zealander of the Year in recognition of her amazing achievements. Jamie credits her success not to being  'gifted,' but to being fortunate enough to have had sufficient support to show what she is capable of.

Read about Jamie and her recent success and consider:
  • which of her long list of successes do you think is her greatest achievement? Why?
  • what are the things Jamie may have found difficult along her path to success?
  • what do you think you could be capable of if given the right support?


  1. woah. University at age 13! I wonder if she's heard of Facebook... I'll search her up right now. bye

  2. I think her biggest achievement would be inventing the safe sound meter. Not only does it help people, it proves that kids can do just as well in life as adults. I think Jamie must have really developed good time management. I am sure she had many moments where she thought all her extra-curricular activities were to much to cope with. I know I would! I think, if given the right support, i could be New Zealand's youngest author! More realistically, I could write some compelling arguments to fight for a case.

  3. I bet she is on facebook. Basically everyone is.

  4. You are probably right about Facebook E.H but then she is over 13. Did you know her safe sound meters are currently being put into preschools around NZ? Effective time management is definitely a skill Jamie must have developed in her very busy life.

  5. I searched Jamie Fenton on Facebook, and she doesnt have one, that was expected. If she has a very busy life she wouldn't have enough time for Facebook. She doesn't know what she's missing! But I'd rather be changing the world then playing Farmville all day, it's just that I'm not gifted enough to do that. So I'm happy she's making use of her smartiness and time.
