Wednesday, March 26, 2014

How Strong is an Eggshell?

 We all know eggs are very fragile, right? Today we did an experiment to see just how easily they break. First we emptied the egg and cleaned out the shell. We drew a line aroung the egg and then broke the shell off down to the line. We had to be extremely careful because the shell was very easy to break. Once we had four eggshells ready we placed them on the tray and started loading books on top of them! We were pretty sure they would break but we had THIRTEEN books stacked on top of the eggshells before the first one cracked. Eggshells were much stronger than we realised so the wee chicks inside are kept safe. We also found some building structures that use domes and arches to give them strength.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Where in the World?

Challenge yourself to work out just where in the world you are with this fun game using Google Street View. Cities all over the world are shown, and you can turn around, walk down the street or look round the corner to see if you can find clues to your whereabouts. Look at the signs on buildings, streets and vehicles. What language are the signs on the buildings in? What are the people wearing? What are the shops selling? Which side of the road do they drive on? Can you see any familiar landmarks in the background? Beat your score.
Have a go with  Good Luck!