Friday, March 22, 2013


It may seem we have had a very quiet month but in actual fact it's been very busy. We have been working hard on our sonnets and finding them quite a challenge. Our first task was to select an object to write about, and consider how the object's emotions will change from the beginning to the end of the sonnet. Some very imaginative subjects have emerged. Winter snow, a plastic shopping bag, tennis balls, a horse's saddle, boron to silly putty.
The next step was to formulate the ideas for each quatrian and for a few of us this has required some research so we could fully understand the processes our objects are subjected to.
Then came the application of all those rules and this is where the real challenge begins. Rhyming patterns, decasyllabic lines and iambic pentameter. We are learning alot about the stress on the syllables within a word, including how to use the pronunciation guide of a dictionary.
Bit by bit we are making progress and I can't wait to share some student work with you.
Watch this space!